
适用人群: 出生后两周至85周岁人群


保障期限: 一年


黄金计划 钻石计划
意外身故、残疾 Accidental death and dismenberment 350000 600000
公共交通意外身故、残疾(与意外身故、伤残累计赔偿)Common carrier acdidental death and disability 350000 600000
自驾意外身故、残疾(与意外身故、伤残累计赔偿)Self-drive accidental death and disability while driving 100000 100000
紧急牙科治疗(每颗牙齿最高900元治疗费)Emergency dental treatment ($900 per tooth) 2000 3000
传染病强制隔离安慰津贴(10天为限,最高1000元每天)Infections disease forced isolation comfor insurance (up to10 days) 5000 10000
疾病身故 Disease die 20000 30000
旅行医疗保险(包含门诊及住院,提供境外医疗直付服务,其中境内疾病医疗费用以2,000元为限)Medical reimbursement (Including outpatient and inpatient,provide medical direct payment services,domestic medical reimbursement limit is RMB2,000) 300000 500000
既往疾病急救费用补偿 Previous emergency medical compensation 1000 2000
食物中毒医疗补偿 5000 10000
海外医疗救护车费用补偿 Ambulance assistance 2000 3000
医疗运送及送返(该责任不承保尼泊尔医疗运返救援责任)Medical evacuation and repatriation(this responsibility does not cover Nepal medical delivery and repatriation responsibility) 1000000 实际费用
身故遗体送返(其中丧葬保险金以RMB16,000为限)Repatriation of remains (Limit of death condolences is RMB16,000) 1000000 实际费用
亲属慰问探访费用 Compassionate visit of relatives 15000 20000
绑架及非法拘禁(最高以30天为限,400元/天)Kidnapping and illegal detention (up to 30 days) 12000 12000
旅行变更 Change of travel schedule 10000 15000
航班延误(每延误4小时赔偿300元)Flight delay(RMB300 for every 4 hours) 300 600
行李延误(每延误6小时赔偿500元) Baggage delay (RMB500 for every 6 hours) 500 1000
旅行目的地恶劣天气补偿(最高给付10天,50元/天)Bad weather compensation for travel destinations (up to 10 days) 500 500
旅行证件损失 Loss of travel documents 8000 10000
个人随身财物(手机及平板电脑除外,单件物品限额为1000元)Loss of personal effects(Limit per item or set of items RMB1,000,Except phone and tablet computer) 2000 3000
手机及平板电脑保障(单件物品限额为1000元)Loss of phone and tablet computer (Maximum RMB1,000 per item) 2000 3000
旅行期间家财保障 Home guard 5000 8000
银行卡盗刷(不适用于未成年人)Card theft brush (not applicable to minors) 15000 20000
信用卡购物保障 Credit card purchase protection 2000 3000
签证拒签补偿(补偿拒签后签证费损失的70%) - 600
旅行保障自动延期(不可抗力下)Travel insurance (Force majeure) 7天 7天
旅行紧急状态期间保障 Guarantee during travel emergency 20000 30000
个人及宠物责任 Personal and pet liability insurance 500000 800000
个人责任保释金垫付 Personal liability bail 30000 50000
